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Diagnostic object (02h)



  • Official comment

    Dear Sweta,

    in the Anybus CompactCom object model, the Diagnostics Object 0x02 serves the purpose of announcing an event to the network.  This may be a malfunctioning device or a value exceeding its limits.

    Basically, in order to do this, you create a new instance of this object and will get back an instance number that shall be associated with this particular event within the application.  The ABCC module translates the set event code to a network dependent error message towards the network controller.

    If the event vanishes, you delete the created instance, thereby making the ABCC tell the network controller to delete the event/error for the device.

    Application-wise the best idea is to use a command sequences to create and delete these instances.  Please take a look at this KB article that explains how to send messages to Anybus objects during runtime:

    How to change a parameter in an Anybus CompactCom at runtime?

    Should you have further questions, feel free to open a ticket on our HMS Support portal.

  • Franziska Gültig

    Hello Sweta!

    About which Product and which Diagnostic Object are you talking exactly?

    Unfortunately it is not clear to me.

    Is it from one of our Diagnostic Products: HMS Product Finder | Browse Products | HMS Networks

    (The Topic is for our Diagnostic Products were you opened this Post)

    Or are you talking about out Embedded Modules? 

    An Article Number and a screenshot were you found it might also be helpful.


    Franziska Gültig

  • Sweta Kandpal

    Hello Franziska,

    Sorry for the late reply.

    I am talking about following product Anybus CompactCom 40 Module Modbus-TCP.

    In the host application code, there are lot of example to fetch anybus object info like firmware version, module type etc but I could not find any example to fetch information for anybus diagnostic object (ABP_OBJ_NUM_DI).

    Would be great if there is already an example somewhere which we can refer to.





  • ALK

    Hello Sweta,

    in my first post, I've tried to explain what the Diagnostic object is good for within the Anybus CompactCom object model and how to create and delete diagnostic events.

    If you need detailed assistance, I would ask you to open a ticket describing your issue in detail, which we'll promptly address.

    Thank you.


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