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Connecting EC350 To Cummins ModLon II



  • Deryck Beliveau


    Can you provide me with your account name or system ID so i can take a look at the account and settings?

    If you look at the device in Browse devices do you see an error response or any error message?


  • anonzwhgkqab

    Hi Deryck:

    The account name is DENTON_CO2; when I go to Browse Devices to the generator controller, click the drop down to show the parameters and hit the refresh button; after about 20-30 seconds all the data fields become shaded a light red or pink color, with no data, zeroes, error messages or anything. If I go to Management/Status/Communications Statistics I have no valid responses, 77343 timeouts, and 53737 exceptions. The attachment is the instruction sheet for the Cummins ModLon II gateway.


    Robert Akins

    C673_I5(Updated 5-12).pdf (646 KB)

  • Deryck Beliveau

    Hello Robert,

    If you are getting exceptions you can hover over the red boxes to get the error message response. image

    In your case it looks like you are getting both illegal address errors and timeout. Since you are receiving responses you should be able to rule out serial configurations issues. It looks like you might just not be making the correct requests to the slave. Are you just using one of the built in template? You will want to create one that maps to the data on your slave.


  • anonzwhgkqab

    Exactly what does a Modbus Illegal Data Address error mean to Netbiter? All my template register addresses are set to the values listed in the ModLon II installation guide for the default configuration for Generator 0. There is no place in Argos to set the beginning address and length for a device template as is used in the ModScan program where I can read the registers beginning at address 0001 with a length of 49, as seen in the installation guide.

  • anonzwhgkqab

    Here are examples of the template parameter settings I am using:
    And the same register in the ModLon II manual (Gen0):

  • Deryck Beliveau

    That is a response given from the modbus slave device and is a generic modbus response. Some more info can be found here.

    You will want to remove the 40000 offset for the address it should be just 35 or 34 depending on what addressing is used.


  • anonzwhgkqab


    Something odd is going on, I had to reset my password on hms this morning to login, and now my new password isn't working.

    Robert Akins

  • anonzwhgkqab


    I did go in and remove the 40000 offset from all the parameters and now I can read several of them, looks like I may have to play with the multiplier a little bit in some cases. The generator state parameter which should be a digit from 0 through 5 is showing up as 255 right now, not sure why.


  • Deryck Beliveau

    Hi Robert,

    Not sure what could have been going on with your login we had no other reported login issues.

    Usually the modbus register map will give you details about any offset or scale that needs to be applied. I'm not sure about the 255 for the generator state. This would be a full two bytes or a modbus register (0xFF) perhaps this is again explained in the Modus manual for the controller.


  • anonzwhgkqab

    I really don't have any more information to refer to, other than the list of registers and the parameter they report, any multiplier or offset applicable, and the units of the value. For the parameter "Gen State" there is no multiplier, offset or unit type listed, only a footnote for a table listing the options (0=normal, 1=start pending, 2=warmup, 3=running, 4=cooldown@rated, 5=cooldown@idle) presented by the register. I have this entered in the enumeration table for the visualization of this parameter, but obviously it is not being read properly.

  • Deryck Beliveau

    Hello Robert,

    Often there isn't a scale or offset, if they are only giving you an enumeration then most likely you can apply that directly to the value being read. Looking at the response back for "State" you are getting an illegal address response this typically reads the address you are reading is not correct.


  • anonzwhgkqab

    I will leave the issue for the "state' register for the moment, on to the other question. Registers 44 and 45 contain the engine runtime in seconds. Please see the following screen shot showing the instructions for interpreting these registers below:
    Is there a way in Argos that I can correctly display this double integer?

  • Deryck Beliveau


    Yes Argos can read float values. You will need to set the datatype when creating the template. This will have the netbiter read 2 registers and then interpret the data as a float.


  • anonzwhgkqab

    What data type do you use for the low value? I can't seem to find anything that works. I tried 16-bit value and floating point, and neither one seemed to work.

  • Deryck Beliveau

    You should only need to set a single read up for it if it is a float. Looking at Eng Runtime you would set up the following


    Read register
    address 44
    Datetype: Floating point.

    Setting the data type to a float tell the Netbiter to read register 44 and 45 then combine them to
    interpret the data as a float.


  • anonzwhgkqab

    OK, thank you sir, I will make that change and see what happens.

    Robert Akins

    Robert Akins

    Maintenance Repair Specialist II

    FACILITIES Logo Final_60

    Denton County Facilities Department

    750 S. Mayhill Rd.

    Suite B121

    Denton, TX 76208

    940-349-2970 x7980

    940-349-5180 fax

    940-390-0487 cell

  • anonzwhgkqab

    I'm going to try to contact Cummins Tech Support to see if they can shed any light on the State parameter. In the meantime, I have another issue I'm trying to figure out. When I go to the Presentation screen and look at the Live Values, some of the parameters are coming back blank with a message of "DS: Time out' when I mouse over the empty field. I have the slave timeout set to 10s in the Gateway Settings tab. Why do you think this is happening?

  • Deryck Beliveau

    If you are getting a time out error this means the Netbiter sent out the modbus request but did not receive a response back from the server/slave.


  • anonzwhgkqab

    Going back to the "State' parameter now. Below is a screen grab of the table shown in the Cummins manual for the genset controller, showing the values for the Modbus address 11.

    Each of these values should be available as a reading from this address, which leads me to believe I need to use the mask option in the "Add Parameter' form, but I need help with setting up the mask. I don't understand what values I need to enter in the mask to result in the "Digital Value" for each entry.

  • Deryck Beliveau


    I don't see any image attached so I can't say for sure, but it sounds like you are correct. If they are giving you multiple variables in one register you probably need to set a mast for the part you need. For example if they are saying bit 3 is a Boolean alarm for an event you will need to set a parameter reading the corresponding register with a 1 mas on the 3rd bit. Passing only the 3rd bit into the parameter.


  • anonzwhgkqab


    Sorry, this is the table I was trying to show you:

    I set the mask for the values 0, 3, and 5 according to the following example:

    The masks for values 1,2, and 4 were programmed this way, because I thought the values in the table represented the bit place in the mask, but I see that didn't work properly.

    And then, after updating the configuration, when I read the parameters in the "Browse Devices" tab, I get the following results:

    Only 1 value can be valid at a time. So, I'm still trying to figure it out.

    Robert Akins

  • Deryck Beliveau

    Ah ok, this changes my answer. Seeing that chart I think it is just telling you when you read that register you should see a number come back 0-5 and that value corresponds to the current state. This could be used with the enumeration and no mask. The enumeration would be as simple as 0=stopped;1=start pending;2=Warmup at idle: continuing for each number. When the dashboard shows this parameter it will display the text over just the number.


  • anonzwhgkqab


    Well, that's what I thought initially, and that's how I first programmed the parameter for register address 11, with the enumeration showing each of the values, but it still only came back as 255; that's what started the e-mail topic back on 11/9/18 about the state parameter.


  • Deryck Beliveau

    Hi @anonzwhgkqab

    If you are getting 255 back this at least tells you the controller is working and responding to the netbiter. However a 255 could indicate an error on the controller side or the controller is indicating this feature is not available. I would check the controllers user manual to see what the meaning of a 255 response is.




  • anonzwhgkqab

    Hi Deryck:

    I'm working on getting a different Netbiter set up, which is monitoring a slightly different controller, but which should read the state in the same manner, when I get data back from it we'll see if it has the same issue or not. I'll get back to you once I get more data.


    Robert Akins

    Denton County Facilities Department


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