This article provides information about the limit of connected devices (MODBUS TCP & OPC UA) to the Ewon Flexy LAN side.
Ewon Flexy Family
1. How many OPC UA devices can I connect to my Flexy?
2. How many MODBUS TCP devices can I connect to my Flexy?
1. OPC UA limitation in IO server
Flexy is currently limited to 3 devices in the IO server for OPC UA. A maximum of 3 OPC UA servers per Flexy can be configured, regardless a presence of a basic script or JAVA application.
2. MODBUS TCP limitation in IO server
Flexy currently support a Maximum of 32 Modbus TCP client connections.
The Modbus TCP slaves limit is related to the number of IP sockets.
In case you have multiple serial slaves behind one converter, it is sill considered 1 IP connection for the Flexy.
Whenever an IO server is enabled and configured in the Flexy, you have no to forget the limit of tags.
You can find more information about the tag limitation here.
Even though there are only three topics for the MODBUS, the Flexy can support polling from more than three PLC's on the same IO server.
To poll from more than three PLCs, do not specify the device address in the topic. Instead,
include the device address as part of the tag address — when configuring the tag itself — as
described in this document.