This article shows you the differences between a Home Automation device and an AC Cloud Control device and how to identify them.
- Intesis AC Cloud Control: INWFIDAI001I000, INWFIDAI001R100, INWFIFGL001I000, INWFIFGL001R100, INWFILGE001R100, INWFIMHI001I000, INWFIMHI001R100, INWFIPAN001R100, INWFIPAN001I000, INWFITOS001R100, INWFIUNI001I000
- Intesis 1 to 1 Home Automation: INWMPDAI001I000, INWMPDAI001R000, INWMPFGL001I000, INWMPFGL001R000, INWMPLGE001R000, INWMPMIT001I000, INWMPMHI001I000, INWMPMHI001R000, INWMPPAN001R000, INWMPPAN001I000, INWMPTOS001R000, INWMPUNI001I000
What is the difference between AC Cloud Control and Home Automation if they use the same hardware?
AC Cloud Control devices connect over the internet via Wi-Fi to the AC Cloud Control server. This solution offers an iOS app, an Android app and a web interface to control your Indoor Unit.
Home Automation (WMP) devices connect via local Wi-Fi, communication is based on ASCII protocol over TCP to monitor your Indoor Unit.
It is not possible to change the WMP device to function as an AC Cloud Control device or vice versa. If you have purchased the wrong type, you should contact the dealer who sold you the device to discuss the possibility of replacing it.
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