- Ewon Flexy
- M2Web
- If using the M2Web API, a Talk2M Developer ID is required
EBD Helper
The best way to construct an EBD to get data off of a Flexy is with the Export Block Descriptor Helper, available on This webpage provides a form for building EBDs. After selecting the desired data type, it shows the possible options for each parameter and adds selections to the EBD being constructed up top. After selecting all of the relevant options, it yields a fully-formed EBD ready for use in a Flexy.
Task Planner
One of the most common uses of EBDs is scheduling periodic reports of data the Flexy has collected. This can be done easily with the planner, available in Setup → System → Main → General → Planner. Each entry uses cron syntax to set the task's interval, with email, SMS, FTP, and SNMP traps available as actions to schedule. KB-0212-00 Task planner example provides an example of the planner configured to email weekly reports of a tag's historical logs.
For more information on cron syntax, is a helpful resource.
Fig 2. Planner configured to email weekly reports
EBDs and M2Web
With a Talk2M Developer ID, it's possible to use EBDs to retrieve data from the Ewon device through M2Web. This can be done directly in the browser or through a request as part of a custom program. In fact, because BASIC and Java scripts on the Flexy can make HTTP requests, they can even use the M2Web API to retrieve data from another Flexy at a different location.
For an example of one of these requests, check out Retrieve Export Block Descriptor on the Ewon Developers site.
A general reference guide of possible EBD data types and required parameters is available in RG-0009-00 Export Block Descriptor Reference Guide.