The Ewon Flexy is capable of publishing its tags as Modbus TCP registers, so any Modbus clients connected to the Flexy can retrieve tag information.
- Ewon Flexy line
- Ewon Flexy with one or more tags set up
Configure IO Server Settings
The Ewon Modbus TCP Server is enabled by default with a unit address of 100. To verify that it's still enabled:
- Navigate to Tags -> IO Servers -> IO Servers List -> Modbus
- At the top, under "MODBUS TCP Server", ensure the Ewon Server checkbox is enabled
Fig 1. IO Server settings for Modbus TCP publishing
Configure Tag Settings
- In the Ewon's tag list, ensure Setup mode is active at the top left. Click the mode toggle if it isn't
- Select the tag that will be published through Modbus TCP and open its configuration settings
- Scroll to the Tag Visibility section at the bottom
- Check "Enabled" to the right of the Modbus TCP subsection and set a register address.
- Published tags are can be holding registers, analog inputs, coils and digital inputs according to their read/write access (See "Force Read Only option) and their format (Analog formats - like Float, Word,... - or Boolean)
- The option "Use 32 bit format" can be used to publish the Tag in Float or DWord. If not set, it will be published as a 16 bits register.
Fig 2. Tag settings configured to publish a tag's value in Modbus register 30500 after offset