Number of registers in Read holding registers message
Hi all,
I'm using the Ewon interface to convert ModbusTCP to OPC-UA. I have to keep refreshed an area of about 2kb. I monitored the modbus traffic and I noted that the maximum number of register polled by the interface is 10, even after adding MaxDeltaRegA:124 in the advanced parameters.
Is it normal ? Is there a way to increase this value ?
Thanks in advance
Hello Vittorio,
It would be best to open a Ticket and add the Backup File.
So we can see the setup you use. Wich Flexy Device exactly, how you configured your Modbus Registeres. (In the Topic and in the Tags...) How many Modbus Registers (It should be max 1500 per IO Server 2500 max over all IO Servers)
How are the timings?/ refreshrates...
Did you test it with a smaller setup? (less Tags) / slower Timings?
124 is declared in the Manual so more than that is not possible to group for Registers. With the IO Server inbuild.
Franziska Gültig
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