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Connecting to two boards



  • Official comment
    Peter Wucherer

    Hi D2K,

    you mean open 2 CAN@net/II VCI in one application?
    Or the same application started 2 times and uses 2 different CAN@net II/VCI?

    I tested it and it works successful when using the board selection dialog.
    Using the defines GUID_CANATNET2_DEVICE, COP_1stBOARD and COP_2ndBOARD working ok.

    Do you use the VCI mode (COP_VCI3GENERIC)?

    In my got 2 different board handles:
    Console test for IXXAT CANopen Master API!
    Open 2 CAN interfaces using the defines GUID_CANATNET2_DEVICE, COP_1stBOARD and COP_2ndBOARD !
    COP_InitBoard OK. Board handle: 1
    Board type:         Serial no: HW834641
    COP_InitBoard OK. Board handle: 2
    Board type:         Serial no: HW843648
    If useful, I can add the source code, it's a Visual Studio 2022 C++ console demo.
    Or do you use .NET.

    Maybe you can create a support request. 
    There we can go deeper into.
    A request can made here:

    Best regards,

  • D2K

    Hi Peter,

    It's the first, that's two CAN@net in one application. The latter (starting 2 times) works okay with some safeguards.

    We have tried GUID_CANATNET2_DEVICE, COP_1stBOARD, COP_2ndBOARD. Also VCI GENERIC in one of the tests although we don't use it normally. I've summitted a support request to discuss more.


  • Peter Wucherer

    Hi D2K,

    I'd like to add here a summary for all readers:

    The solution was an update to version V6.3.56.2 of the CANopen Master API.
    Also, the VCI V4 drivers are now used on Windows 11.

    Best regards,


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