Problem accesing Ewon flexy from m2web
Hi there,
I have my Ewon flexy connected to a Siemens 1200 PLC. I can access both PLC and ewon webserver locally and remotely launching ecatcher software. From m2web is a different story though. PLC webserver runs fine and I can see the visualization installed on the ewon as well. Another m2web screen is open when I click on the ewon icon. Any ideas what I can check?
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Hello Felix,
So you have trouble accessing the Ewon Flexy Webpage over M2Web?
When accessing Things over M2Web it is importand to not have strange Characters in the Ewon or Account Name aswell in the User and Password to access the webpage.
In some cases (like if you do a VNC connection) you can do the following to still access it:
If you say Visualisation you probably mean ViewOn on Ewon.
If that is slow here are some Tipps on that: Viewon is loading slow
And some General Tipps to improve the Connection:
Troubleshooting Slow or Unstable Connection on Ewon. – HMS Support Portal (
I hope this helps. If you need further assistance I can open a Ticket for you.
i.A. Franziska Gültig
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