Confirming Firmware Version is up-to-date
I am checking our Netbiters to make sure they are all on the current firmware version
In the Firmware tab, is the version number shown the firmware version on the Netbiter itself? All our units show the same version so I can't tell if they are all up-to-date, or if that is the latest firmware version available.
Also, is there a way to check the units in a list, rather than checking each netbiter individually?
Official comment
The version displayed is what´s currently is installed on the Netbiter itself.
In the drop down menu, where you can choose firmware, you will have some options, but 2.04.05 is the latest looking at todays date and in the drop-down menu you will also see which of the firmware that´s installed (current version).
As it right now, you need to verify the firmware on each Netbiter individually.
Robert Rundqvist
Technical Services Engineer
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