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Commands from buttons on the dashboard will not register



  • Official comment
    Robert Rundqvist

    The conclusion for this request is that there were a miss in the configuration in the PLC which created this behavior.

  • Robert Rundqvist


    I think that this has to do with that the advanced function when creating a drawing on a dashboard have been used. This is a normal behavior when someone have used "Advanced mode" -> "Save As". This function will not save the drawing, it will save what´s created as a template for instance used for creating custom gauges or static backgrounds. So if logical functions and gauges are included in that save, they will break the whole drawing. 

    The only way of restoring it would be to re-create the drawing. 

    You can verify if this is what have happened by going to a dashboard -> Click edit on the drawing -> Click on the icon on the left for Add Component (A) -> Check if custom drawings have been saved that matches with the drawing that´s broken (B).

    Our developers are working on making this options more clear, our normal recommendation is that if you do not know how the advanced function work, do not use it. But feel free to ask for instance here on the forum or create a support ticket and ask so that we can explain what to use it for.

    If you have further questions or if this does not solve your issue, please update me and we might need to take this further in a support ticket. 

    Best regards,

  • MacsEngineer

    Hi Robert

    Thanks for the reply. I set up a new dashboard with just 2 buttons assigned to the parameter, and we are still getting the same issue. Would I potentially have to remove our custom images and upload them again?








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