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eWon cosy 131 cellular connection setup



  • hms_support


    The pin is not always required. You want to ensure that you are using the correct APN by contacting your mobile network operator.


    The main reasons why the internet wizard may fail for a cellular (modem) WAN connection are the following:

    The APN is incorrect
    The cellular signal strength is too low
    SIM card is not 3G GSM compatible (AT&T / T-mobile are mobile network operators that we use in the USA)
    Sim card is not activated

    If you have any questions regarding the setup of a cellular connection, please see the following topic as it provides information on how to setup and troubleshoot your cellular connection:

    The eWON's GUI was recently overhauled so take a look at your firmware version in our eBuddy software to follow the appropriate process: Firmware version < 12.2S0 To setup the eWON Cosy to use Cellular, you will need to go through the internet wizard in the device's interface and choose the modem as your WAN interface. To enter the device's interface please follow this instructional video: ( @ 2:44 seconds, you will have a choice that says Modem) Select "Modem:





  • Jayson_Lim

    thank you for the quick reply. I'll pay attention to these and try again.

    a silly question though. I just notice that none of the status LEDs for the cellular mode is light up.Could it be that the modem is not connected?

    if so, how can I solve this?

  • hms_support


    The status LEDs should light up after you successfully initialize the modem by passing the internet wizard with the Modem option.

    I do believe the LEDs will light up briefly when you boot the device but if it's not configured for a modem connection then the lights will stay off.


  • Jayson_Lim

    Hmm:the problem still remains even though i have given the correct APN and the sim card is activated. What's left is just to cellular signal strength.

    I found this as a method to check the cellular signal strength

    " GSM Modem
    Check Signal Level

    If the eWON is configured to use the GSM Modem, but it isn't making a WAN connection, the first check to do is the GSM signal level (i.e. exactly the same thing as the reception level on a mobile phone).

    On the eWON home page, open the Configuration menu. Select Communication. From the menu that appears on the left hand side, expand Interfaces and select Modem. The resulting page will display data on the internal modem, including signal level.

    On standard GPRS netowrks, a minimum signal level of 18 is recommended for good communication. Under 18 will still function but at a reduced capacity. An HSPA network emits with a lower power and therefore a lower signal level is expected. On UMTS or HSPA networks, as low as 5 will still work.

    A signal level of 99 shows the eWON has not received this information from its modem.

    If the signal level is low, ensure the antenna cable is properly secured to the connector on the eWON and is run outside the panel."

    But the menu doesn't seem to be available on mine which is problematic

    Attached is the error log

  • hms_support


    I agree with you.

    The errors are indicating the modem is unable to initialize which may mean its signal strength is too low.
    I would also ensure your SIM card is 3G GSM compatible.



  • Jayson_Lim

    Thanks! the problem has been solved


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