This article shows you how to modify the ESI file in order to include PDOs in case your master isn't able to read out the PDO mapping from the gateway.
ABC3xxx with EtherCAT SubDevice (slave) interface
ABC4xxx with EtherCAT SubDevice (slave) interface
ESI file from the gateway's web interface
HMS EtherCAT ESI Generator software tool
- Download and install the HMS EtherCAT ESI Generator
- Open the HMS EtherCAT ESI Generator
- Press "Load ESI file..."
- Select the ESI file that you downloaded from the gateway's web interface.
- Power on the gateway and connect an Ethernet cable to the IN EtherCAT port (direct connection to your PC)
- Select the given network adapter (as in this example Ethernet 6)
- Press the "Create ESI file..." button
The software will scan the gateway and create an ESI file.
This file will now contain the PDO mapping according to your gateway configuration.