This article describes what the consequences are of a downgrade of your Talk2M Pro account to Free+.
A downgrade can happen for example after a Pro trial period (3 months) at the end of which you didn't refill your account credit.
If your account is downgraded you'll lose all Pro features such as device pools, user groups, offline notifications etc.
The lose of these features will have some consequences that you need to be aware of :
- Due to the disappearance of user groups, every user of your Talk2M account will have access to all Ewon devices listed on your account. To avoid security issues, the firewall settings on all your Ewons will be set to "HIGH". More info in this article : Why are my firewall settings set to HIGH after a Talk2M downgrade ?
- Due to the removal of device pools, existing DataMailbox tokens on this account will be applied to all devices. Third-party application(s) will have access to all device data on the DataMailbox. Depending on the configuration of your existing Talk2M Pro account, this could lead to security concerns.
- Temporary users will be immediately disabled.
- All settings will be lost during the downgrade (pools, groups), which can not be recovered afterwards.
- Any credits remaining on the account will not be refunded.
Read more about how to downgrade a Talk2m PRO account to Free+.