Anybus Wireless Bolts and Bridges support several different Easy Config modes to configure a pair of devices for different use cases. For example, setting one Bolt to "4- Await automatic discovery and configuration" and another to "5- Configure as WLAN access point and scan for clients" allows the second device to discover the first, connecting both and providing a wireless replacement for a cable connecting two Ethernet segments. But the simplicity of this system means it can be hard to identify what went wrong when it doesn't work as expected. Here are some considerations for troubleshooting an Anybus Bolt or Bridge setup that isn't working properly.
- Anybus Wireless Bolt - Ethernet 18-pin (AWB2000)
- Anybus Wireless Bolt Serial (AWB2010)
- Anybus Wireless Bolt CAN (AWB2020)
- Anybus Wireless Bolt - Ethernet RJ45 PoE (AWB2030)
- Anybus Wireless Bridge II - Ethernet (AWB3000)
After setting both devices to an appropriate Easy Config mode and waiting 120 seconds, the devices aren't configured as expected. Some possible symptoms include:
- Not able to reach both devices
- Bolt's WLAN connection status reads Disconnected
- Bolt configured to "Await automatic discovery and configuration" still has its original IP address.
When pairing two Bolts and/or Bridges, it is essential that both devices are running the same firmware version. You can check your device's firmware version in HMS IPconfig as well as in the the System Overview page of the device's web interface.
Fig 1. Checking firmware version in HMS IPconfig
Fig 2. Checking firmware version in the Bolt's web interface, at the bottom of System Overview
If a device's firmware is out of date, firmware packages can be downloaded from the device's support page and installed in the Firmware Update page of the web interface.
After applying an Easy Config mode, the device will wait 120 seconds to discover or be discovered by another Bolt/Bridge. It is important to move quickly when configuring the devices so that the second one can enter its Easy Config mode within this window. For that reason, it can be helpful to connect both devices to a computer so that both can be configured in quick sequence.
Both Bolt/Bridge devices must be positioned within range of each other. Note that the ranges at which the devices work are a maximum in ideal conditions, and in practice may be affected by material in the way and the devices' orientation. Orientation is especially important in the case of the Bridge because its signal is strongest in the direction the device is facing. Detailed information about the signal properties of each Bolt/Bridge model can be found in the appendix of the device's user manual, available in the section below.
Visit the Files and Documentation page for setup guides, manuals, and firmware updates: