This article explains how to use other VPN services alongside Talk2m/Ecatcher.
- Ewon COSY
- Ewon FLEXY
It is possible to use Talk2m/Ecatcher along with other VPN services (like Cisco VPN, FortiClient etc.) but care is needed with TAP-Windows Adapters. These services may use the same "TAP-Windows Adapter" by changing the adapter's name. To be able to establish a VPN connection with eCatcher, the adapter name must be "Talk2m-eCatcher". Moreover, the other VPN service could remove the "TAP-Windows Adapter V9".
The following message could appear if there is a problem with the "TAP-Windows Adapter V9".
Cannot connect to Talk2MServer :> FATAL:Error: When using --ip-win32 netsh, if you have more than one TAP-Win32 adapter,you must also --dev-node
In this case, the TAP adapter name should be checked. The name "Talk2m-eCatcher" must not be changed.
If the adapter name is different;
it can be renamed by right-clicking --> rename or it is possible to run "renametap.vbs" from "C:\Program Files\eCatcherTalk2M\Talk2mVpnService\drivers". (As of Ecatcher version 7.0.2, the file renametap.vbs is no longer available and is replaced by ps files : install.ps1, uninstall.ps1, please see below for Ecatcher version 7.0.2)
If there is no TAP-Windows Adapter V9;
It is easy to install it by running “install.bat” under the same file path. Be sure that the TAP adapter name is correct after the installation.
For Ecatcher version 7.0.2 and higher
1. To do this, first rename the existing TAP adapter as required.
2. Then start Windows PowerShell as administrator.
3. Execute the following command (full line):
& "C:\Program Files (x86)\eCatcher-Talk2M\Talk2mVpnService\drivers\install.ps1"
4. After a few seconds, a new TAP adapter is added (3) and this is then automatically renamed to ‘Talk2m-eCatcher’. You may need to refresh the window once for this to be displayed. The first adapter can now be used by other software (even simultaneously).
5. Restart the PC.
This configuration may have to be repeated after an Ecatcher update.