This articles provides a brief description on how network configuration parameters can be set in an Anybus CompactCom 40 using the available DIP switches.
All Anybus CompactCom 40's except the Modbus Serial interface variants
Any Anybus CompactCom 40, except the Modbus Serial interface variants
Using SPI , Serial, or Stand-alone Shift Register modes
There are two sets of DIP switches (DIP1 and DIP2) available on the host interface connectors of the Anybus CompactCom 40. If you are doing an in-Design with an Anybus CompactCom 40 using either the SPI, Serial, or Stand-alone Shift Register modes, then it is possible to set network configuration parameters of the Anybus CompactCom 40, like Node address, IP address, Device ID, etc. depending on the Industrial protocol used by your Anybus CompactCom 40.
Stand-alone Shift Register Mode
In the Stand-alone Shift Register Mode, the two DIP switches are automatically read during SETUP state. After that, any DIP switch change will be sampled and written to the Network Configuration Object every 0.5 seconds.
You can refer to the Anybus CompactCom M40 Hardware Design Guide or the Anybus CompactCom B40 Hardware Design Guide to find more details about which specific network configuration parameters the DIP switches are linked to in this mode.
SPI and Serial Modes
If you are using the SPI or Serial interface, the host application needs to read the value of the DIP switch from the Anybus Object (01h), Instance #1, Attribut 14, and then write it to the corresponding instance attribute in the Network Configuration Object (04h), during SETUP.