The deletion of an existing Talk2m account is a manual process. This article describes the different steps to request account deletion.
Talk2m, Ewon
You need to be the administrator of the Talk2M account and log into eCatcher in order to initiate the account deletion.
Please be aware that this operation is irreversible. All data associated with the account will be deleted or anonymized. If needed, ensure you copy any account logs and/or reports before requesting account deletion. You can perform this operation through eCatcher.
To initiate the Talk2M account deletion process, please perform following actions:
Identify the Talk2m account for the deletion process
To begin the deletion process for your Talk2M account, please follow these steps:
- Log in to your Talk2M account using the eCatcher application.
- From the left side menu, select the 'Account' option.
- Click the 'Modify...' button to open the Account Information window.
- In the 'Company' field, replace the existing text with “Account deletion request”
- Click 'OK' to validate your change
Remove all existing Ewons
To reuse your Ewons on another account, they must be unlinked from the Talk2m account. Therefore, it is recommended to remove all Ewon devices from the account before submitting an account deletion request.
- Log in to your Talk2m account using the eCatcher application
- In 'My Ewons' list, select the Ewon you want to remove and click on the 'Properties' menu.
- Click the 'Delete' icon displayed in the top menu and confirm the deletion.
- Repeat this operation for each Ewon in the list.
Remove all other users of the account
To simplify the deletion process, please remove all other users from the Talk2M account.
Note: You cannot delete your own user credentials.
- Log in to your Talk2m account using the eCatcher application.
- From the left side menu, select the 'Users' option.
- Inside the Users list, select the user you want to remove and click on the 'Properties' menu.
- Click the 'Delete' icon displayed in the top menu and confirm the deletion.
- Repeat this process for each listed user, except for your own user credentials.
Create a ticket on our support portal
- Submit the deletion request via our support portal: Submit a request – HMS Support Portal (
- For the subject, specify "Talk2m account deletion request"
- Include the Talk2m account Name and the Talk2M account reference in the description of the ticket.
The name and the reference are displayed in the top right corner of your eCatcher application
The Talk2M account deletion requires administrative verification and processing. It may take a few days to complete.