The automatic firmware update on the Ewon Cosy+ 4G versions (EU, NA, APAC or JAPAN) may fail in some cases. This article explains how to solve this issue.
- Ewon Cosy+
- Talk2m Free+, Talk2m Pro
If you have activated the automatic firmware update function on your Ewon Cosy+ 4G, the update of the Ewon firmware may fail and the Ewon restarts and still run the previous firmware version.
To solve this problem, you need to perform the firmware update for this device manually.
The update can be done remotely using 2 different methods:
1st method: Using the firmware management function in Ecatcher
If you have a Talk2M Pro account or a Talk2M Pro trial account, you can use the firmware management function in Ecatcher to carry out the firmware update.
The individual steps are explained below:
1) Log into your Talk2M account using Ecatcher, go to the Firmware Management section and select the Ewon device you want to update.
2) Select the "Upgrade to latest available firmware" option
3) Click on the Update Firmware button
2nd method: Using the manual firmware update feature on the Ewon GUI
Alternatively, you can also remotely connect to the Ewon via Talk2m using Ecatcher or M2web, connect to the Ewon Cosy+ web interface and perform the firmware update manually.
The different steps are explained hereunder:
1) Connect to your Ewon Cosy+ device remotely using Ecatcher and open the Ewon Cosy+ web interface
2) On the left side menu, select the Firmware Update
3) On the bottom of the popup window, click on the 'Want to install the latest firmware manually' link.
3) Confirm the manual firmware update