This article describes steps to retrieve access to your Talk2M account.
This article is applicable to:
- Talk2M Free Account & Talk2M Pro Account
- eCatcher
- M2Web
To move forward reading this article, please make sure to have the correct:
- Talk2M account name
- Username
Please note: If the owner of the account no longer works for the company, request access to the email address of the ex-employee from your local IT team.
Please follow the steps below to retrieve your access to your Talk2M account:
Forgot password?
- Lauch eCatcher
Click forgot password
3. Insert Talk2M account name and username or email address
4. After clicking on reset password, the message below should be prompted:
5. Check your mailbox and follow the instructions to reset the password
6. Once the password is successfully restored, launch eCatcher again and login to the Talk2M account