How to download and install a new Firmware for IXXAT FRC Devices and IXXAT CANnector
You need the tool IXXAT IxAdmin installed on your computer. If not already installed, it can be downloaded from the IXXAT support website .
Select Advanced Configuration Tool and then the Support and Download. In section "Software" you can find the IxAdmin setup.
Then you need Access to the Device by Ethernet or USB cable.
In some situations when the device is not working as expected or a new Firmware release is available, you might want to update this Firmware.
To Update the Firmware of the IXXAT device you first have to download the actual Firmware version from the IXXAT Homepage. Then it can be installed.
Please be aware that all installed configurations will be deleted and the device will be reset to factory defaults.
But installed licenses will not be deleted.
Download Firmware file
The actual Firmware file for the device can be downloaded from the IXXAT support website.
Select Automotive and then the Device Type. In section "secured downloads" you can find the latest Firmware.
If you need any older version of the Firmware, please contact IXXAT support directly.
Install new Firmware
Start IxAdmin tool and connect to the IXXAT device.
Then Select Device - Flash Firmware, select the Firmware file (a .tgz file) and start the Flashing.
Flashing is finished now.
Flashing Failed - What to do
If IxAdmin aborts the Firmware update with an error, it will show an error message.
Additionally you will see some error messages in the Logfile at the bottom of the IxAdmin tool.
Do the hints in the error log help you to solve the problem? Maybe connection error or something similar.
If this is not the case, it mostly makes sense to try a second time the same update.
If this try also does not work and the hints given in the error message do not help you to solve the problem, please contact IXXAT support and copy the error log messages into the request.