This article explains the Anybus Module and Host Application objects in Anybus CompactCom. It also clears up their relation to Virtual Attributes.
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What are Anybus Module objects?
Anybus Module objects are a set of objects that are implemented in the Anybus CompactCom firmware. These objects control the behavior of the module and its actions on the network.
All Anybus CompactCom interfaces include the Anybus Object, Diagnostic Object, Network Object, and Network Configuration Object. Moreover, each Anybus CompactCom also has network specific Anybus Module objects. Their object numbers are counted in ascending order beginning with 1, the Anybus object.
These objects are described in detail in the Anybus CompactCom Software Design Guide and in the respective Network Guides.
What are Host Application objects?
Host Application objects are a type of object that are located in the host application and can be accessed by the Anybus module.
These objects have to be implemented in the host application in such a way that incoming object requests from the Anybus CompactCom are handled properly.
The Anybus CompactCom 40 supports several Host Application objects, of which the Application Data Object and Application Object are mandatory.
In fact, the Application Data Object takes an important role since each of its instances is associated with an application variable. It is up to the mapping definition which of these application variables will be accessible as cyclic process data or acyclic parameter data on the network.
Host Application objects are counted in descending order beginning with 255.
What about Virtual Attributes?
Virtual Attributes are a way of configuring the Anybus CompactCom in Modbus Serial or Stand-Alone Shift Register mode. It is mainly used to set device identification data like vendor ID, vendor name and so forth. You are also free to set other attributes.
However, keep in mind that only Host Application object attributes are permitted to be set by means of virtual attributes.